Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Don't believe everything you think.

Don't believe everything you think.

Although this may sound strange if it's the first time you've heard it, take a moment to consider this - the majority of your thoughts have been 'programmed' in your mind through old habits and past emotional experiences.

For example, let's say that in 6th grade you were called 'stupid' by a classmate, in front of other kids. If that comment really hurt you, then you may have kept repeating, in your mind, it for years, on automatic, without  even realizing it.  And today, as an adult, no matter how many degrees you have, no matter how skilled you are, you have a deep seated belief that you are stupid.

Many of the thoughts you have today are just echoes of the past that may not represent current reality at all.  The most harmful of these thoughts are your I'm not enough. . . self-judgments.

If you find that your self-talk sounds like constant self-criticism or judgments, here's an exercise, The Oops Technique, that will help you transform those thoughts:
When you use the Oops Technique, you'll find that you can get a little breathing space, feel less stressed and start consciously focusing your attention on empowering thoughts that support vibrant self esteem.

Go ahead and experiment with the Oops Technique now.

Susyn Reeve, Negative Thoughts Can Be Changed. Learn about the "Oops" Technique.

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